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Nike+ Feedback April 15, 2010

Posted by shwaldman in Fitness, Technology.
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It occurred to me that I was not specific enough in my review of the Nike+ sensor, app, and website. I need to clear my brain of these thoughts, so here is a list things Nike and Apple need to fix with this gadget interface.

Firstly, I must say that setup for this gadget was amazingly simple. The App downloaded and sync’d to my foot sensor without any issues. So much so that I forget how it worked and hope that I don’t have to resync or change any of that setup. I say this because the interface is equally simple and I have not been able to find any of the setup now that I am off and running with it. These are the three basic screens:

Despite this simplicity, there are some basic functions that do not work. The app allows you to define a custom workout (timed run with a given playlist, for example), but it does not allow you to use smart playlists – it always selects another playlist. And the once created, the workout does not show any details about the configuration despite there being plenty of room for it. See center pic above.

The primary function of the app is to record foot steps once the workout is started. It does force you to quickly sync to the foot pod which works fine. The problem is sometimes, randomly, you can start a workout and it somehow lost track of the sensor and if you aren’t watching, the timer runs, but zero distance is recorded. I have learned to check it once I get a few minutes into the workout. On a couple of early runs, it was recording some movement, but even running at 9min/mi (6.5 MPH), it recorded something like 1 MPH.

As I said in my first review, one of coolest functions of the Nike+ community is the challenges. To me, this should be something that they could build into the app. There should be a tab for challenges that shows where you are (if only at the time of your last sync) on any given sync. It should also provide a way to see and sign up for new challenges. The challenges can only be seen on the all flash website – which means you can not do it from the iPhone OS at all! That is ridiculous to me. This is a joint relationship from Apple and Nike and yet Apple feud with Adobe is cutting off the head of this app.

Now for the website. It looks super slick and clean – but it is slow – thus the reason Apple won’t let you run flash on their phones. However, some basic features do not work. First, on several occasions I have had trouble finding configuration things for my profile. It is not always intuitive. Also, the member search does not work. I have tried to use email and user name and neither work. For a social community site, this should be a required functionality to have working.

Now, since I have only been on the site for a few months (nearly 3 now), I am not completely sure how the challenges are working. I don’t think very well so far. In a recently one that ended last week, I came in second. The challenge was named “First to reach level Green” and the description read: Im taking this challenge so I can advance to level green. Feel free to do the same or just individually run to 122 miles. Now, the winner ran 123+ miles and I only ran 86+ miles, but he didn’t turn green yet. What is up with that? (I did turn green less than a week later.) I think I need to create a challenge for myself and see how that really works, but I am guessing the only criteria that the winner can be evaluated is the distance completed or fasted time not whatever the creator wants. So, when I create my challenge to reach Level Blue, it will be 460 Miles from now, but someone who is halfway there will turn blue in say 200 miles. It is all very confusing, but fun nonetheless and somewhat motivating, which is all that matters really.

I hope in future releases, Apple and Nike work out these kinks so that I can feel more satisfied with this nifty little workout gadget.

Garmin Connect online community March 31, 2010

Posted by shwaldman in Fitness, Technology.
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I recently wrote this Nike Sensor Review. In it, I discussed the downside of my other device, my Garmin Forerunner 305… the lack on community. Well, I recently met a fellow runner who works across the street. He sent me his running routes from the Garmin website.

In the back of my mind, I think I knew that one existed, but never really took the time to explore it. But when I went back and looked at that review, I realized I had not given Garmin a proper chance.

So over the weekend I added many of my recent activities to the site. And today, I went back to take a look. But this is what I found:

The site is down. This points to the problem of cloud computing. In the past, I was just off-loading my running data into my laptop software, Garmin’s Training Center. But this site offers a way to see it from any computer any time… well, maybe not anytime. Granted this could happen to my blessed Nike website, but it hasn’t yet. What is the line? In the past, Twitter used to be down all the time and it really prevented people from sharing. And now, Twitter is everywhere.

I suppose in this age of instant and global communications. The question is not about if cloud computing makes sense. The question is why or how large companies can allow their online communities to experience downtime. The Internet is 24/7. Come on, Garmin.

Aggegrator or click, click, click July 6, 2009

Posted by shwaldman in Society, Technology.
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A few months back, I setup my IE browser (yes, I still use IE – but that is a different post) to hit the max 8 homepages when it opens. I picked the eight sites based on things I need for work as well as news and weather sites that help keep me abreast of things going on. It made it very easy to cycle through them and check them through out the day. I could get the weather, headlines, local news at the (three) clicks of the button.
So, now I am trying out something others have probably been using for years… iGoogle. Yahoo and MSN have allows customizing their “my” pages, but Google seems to have a lot of applets that take the customization to the next level. I experimented with this in the past but it was slow and seemed buggy. I am hoping I can work out any issues in this new attempt. I like the idea of being able to simplify and reduce the number of IE pages I have open at any given point…. I know, I should probably be using Firefox, but a lot of the business apps I use do not support it.